Amahlubi Chairmans Foundation is a membership-based not-for-profit public benefit organisation. With a Section 18A approved status the organisation-focused outcomes are centred around rural cultural Socio-economic development, in which we are an instrumental impact development support vehicle for Traditional Council Governance & Administration. Socio-economic development, in which we are AN instrumenta
We support the Royal & Traditional Leaders, Traditional council members and Traditional communities we serve within the jurisdiction of Nkosi SFN Zibi (Ah! Dabulamanzi) and other associate Traditional communities who cooperate with Amahlubi across regions in Africa.
Amahlubi Chairmans Foundation is a public benefit organisation which seeks to bring understanding and consciousness of Traditional govarnance systems and knowledge by bridging the gap between modern and traditional systems.
The Amahlubi Traditional Community in villages of Khayakhulu, Nolanga, Welgeval, Goedehoop, Welverdient (NW), Ngcwazi, Ngele, Mabheleni, Nothenga and Cildara (EC) are led by Nkosi M.S Zibi (Ah! Zanokhanyo) as the Principal Traditional Leader and supported by Nkosi J Zibi (EC) as a Senior Traditional Leader.
The Foundation through its leadership, innovation and smart partnerships seeks to support the development of the nation and the community through a sound and well-researched strategy.